Style Tiles

Explore visual language and treatments without committing to specific content or layouts.

Explore styles on a whim

Whether you’re creating new sites for clients or testing new feature concepts with internal stakeholders, you can quickly generate different visual approaches using Style Tiles. Nail the right visual treatment without getting hung up on layout through constructive conversations and quick iteration.

Conceived by Samantha Warren, style tiles collect typography, colors, imagery, iconography, and even individual elements to convey a specific visual look. This template includes a horizontal layout for sharing on the web or presentations and a vertical layout for print.

Dig into the details

1 2 3 4 The front of the persona card shows a large portrait with a banner underneath giving the persona's name and title, along with a quote from a typical user.
  1. Logo & adjectives

    Add the project logo and include descriptive adjectives that evoke the visual style.

  2. Type & color swatches

    Quickly change type and color samples to test different design directions.

  1. Sample imagery

    Add example images and icons to highlight graphical styles.

  2. Tile meta notes

    Give each variation a unique name and add details about the client, project, and designer.

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There’s more where that came from. Lots more! The UX Compendium is a cohesive collection of useful templates and libraries for Sketch to round out your design process beyond the UI.

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